Package com.creamtec.ajaxswing

Interface Summary
AjaxSwingSessionListener AjaxSwingSessionListener can be used to do task that are required before or after a client session has been created or deleted.
RouterRequestFilter This interface must be implemented by classes in order to do pre- and post-processing of HTTP requests on the servlet level.

Class Summary
AjaxSwingManager AjaxSwingManager is a helper class containing miscellaneous methods that provide simple means of integration with AjaxSwing system.
AjaxSwingRouter AjaxSwing uses the router servlet to receive, pre-process and delegate HTTP requests to the appropriate client agent.
AjaxSwingRouter.InProcessJVMFactory Extends the JVMFactory to provide AjaxSwing with a class that is not loaded from the boot class path.
ClientAgentManagerImpl Centralized manager of ClientAgents.
FileUploadHandler Used to process uploaded files
HttpServletRequestImpl Serializable HttpServletRequest data that can be passed to remote client agent.
HttpServletRequestImpl.SerializableCookie Provides serializable wrapper for cookie.
HttpServletRequestImpl.SerializableEnumeration Provides serializable wrapper for Ennumeration.
InProcessHttpServletRequest Declare this class to resolve classpath to the application classes.
JVMProcess Represents a standalone JVM process.
PlainJSPServlet AjaxSwing uses the PlainJSPServet to deny access to uploaded JSP pages
ServletHelper Provides implementation for most of the logic of processing an incoming HTTP servlet request and forwarding it to a client agent.
ServletHelper.InProcessClientAgent Declare this class to resolve classpath to the application classes.

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