AbstractDocumentRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering
Acts as a base class for all document renderers and contains logic shared by all of them.
AbstractDocumentRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
AbstractHTMLComponentRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Convenience base class to delegate renderComponent to an HTML specific method
AbstractHTMLComponentRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.AbstractHTMLComponentRenderer
ActionData - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Contains parameters, associated with action, that needs to be performed or emulated.
ActionData() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
ActionEmulator - Interface in creamtec.webcream.gui
This interface must be implemented to override default, or provide custom action emulation within the system.
actionOverridden(HTMLPage, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Returns true if this action is overidden by a configuration property
actionPerformed(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Resets timeout information for the given session.
add(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamChoicePeer
add(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
addAgent(Object, ClientAgentRemote) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Adds the given agent to the list of currently running agents.
addBlockedThread(WebCreamThread) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Adds the given thread to the list of blocked threads within the clinet.
addHelpMenu(Menu) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
addItem(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamChoicePeer
addItem(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
addItem(MenuItem) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
addMenu(Menu) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
addSeparator() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
addSession(Object, SessionListener) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Places a session into a map of sessions.
afterCreate(int, ClientAgentRemote) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.WebCreamSessionListener
Called after a new client agent instance is created.
afterDestroy(int, ClientAgentRemote) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.WebCreamSessionListener
Called after a client agent session is destroyed due to a time out or user exit
afterEmulateRequest() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Called after the emulation of the request is finished
afterRenderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
A callback method that is invoked right after the component is rendered
afterRenderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Callback method invoked after rendering a component.
afterRenderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Callback method invoked after rendering a component
AGENT_ALLOW_LF_CHANGE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_APP_PARAMS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_CLASSPATH - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_IGNORE_UNSUPPORTED_ACTIONS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_RUN_AS_APPLET - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_START_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_START_WINDOW - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AGENT_USE_WEBCREAM_FONTS_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
AgentInitData - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Contains Client Agent initialization data, that is passed to a newly instantiated client
AgentInitData(int, float, boolean, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Initializes the data with the given browser info
AgentRequestFilter - Interface in creamtec.webcream.core
Used to do pre- and post-processing of requests received by the client agent.
AgentRequestFilterExample - Class in creamtec.webcream.examples
Demonstrates the usage of AgentRequestFilter interface to intercept standard WebCream "resize" action and to modify the generated HTML pages.
AgentRequestFilterExample() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
agents - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Map of agents
agentsCount - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Numberof agents in WebCream.
allocateThread() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Allocate a thread for the given client
allowExit() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Checks if System.exit() is allowed to shutdown the JVM
APP_NAME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
AppDesc - Class in creamtec.webcream.servlet
Application descriptor.
AppDesc(String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Initializes application
append(String) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Appends the given string to the buffer
append(char) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Appends the given character to the buffer
append(StringBuffer) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
append(FormattedStringBuffer) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
append(int) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
append(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends a string
append(char) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends a character
append(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends an integer
appendClippingClause(HTMLPage, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Should be overriden to get clipping style clause of component in the positioning page renderers.
appendClippingClause(HTMLPage, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Appends the clipping clause to component style
appendCommonScripts() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends scripts that are commont to all WebCream generated pages
appendComponentStyle(HTMLPage, Object, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Can be overridden to add styles to compoents
appendComponentStyle(HTMLPage, Object, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Appends component style to the given page.
appendEventHandler(String, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends a JavaScript event handler to the component HTML tag.
appendHeader(HTMLPage, Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Appends page header which contains the title and a link to the stylesheet
appendHexColor(StringBuffer, Color) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.ColorFontMap
Appends the hex representation of the Java color to the given string buffer.
appendHexValue(StringBuffer, int) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.ColorFontMap
Appends a hex value of the integer to the string buffer
appendHTMLText(String, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
appendHTMLText(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Appends given HTML text to the buffer.
appendHTMLText(String, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends text which can have HTML tags in it.
appendHTMLText(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends text which can have HTML tags in it.
appendJavaScript(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Use to append JavaScript to the HTML page header together with other WebCream's JavaScripts.
appendln(String) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Appends the given string to the buffer and terminates the line
appendln(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends a string and an end-of-line character
appendMenuItem(FormattedStringBuffer, String, MenuItem, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
appendOnLoadScriptBody(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends JavaScript statements to the body of onLoad function.
appendOnSubmitScript(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Use to append code to the function that is called when WebCream page is submitted (any action is taken by the user)
appendStyleSheet(HTMLPage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Appends stylesheet link depending on the page theme and the agent's browser
appendText(String) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Appends the given text as non-breakable spaced text (for HTML inserts spaces as  ).
appendText(String, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
appendText(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
appendText(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Appends the given text as HTML-ready text.
appendText(String, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends the given text as non-breakable spaced text.
appendText(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends the given text to the page with parameters noBreak as false and ignoreHTMLTags as false.
appendText(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends the given text to the page.
appendText(String, boolean, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends the given text to HTML page.
appendTrailerScript(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends a JavaScript to the end of the HTML page
appendTreeScripts() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Appends tree scripts to the page buffer
appendWidthHeight(Component, HTMLPage, Rectangle) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
APPLET_CODE_BASE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
APPLET_DOCUMENT_BASE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
APPLET_HEIGHT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
APPLET_PARAM - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
APPLET_TITLE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
APPLET_WIDTH - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
appletResize(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
appName - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Application name
AppProperties - Class in creamtec.core
AppProperties extends java.util.Properties and adds convenience methods for reading properties from a file and getting typed properties such as boolean and int
AppProperties(String) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Instantiates the object and reads the properties from a given file
AppProperties(String, boolean) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Instantiates the object and reads the properties from a given file
AppProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Instantiates the object populated with default values
AppProperties() - Constructor for class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Instantiates the object


beep() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
beforeCreate() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.WebCreamSessionListener
Called before a new client agent instance is created.
beforeDestroy(int, ClientAgentRemote) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.WebCreamSessionListener
Called before a client agent session is destroyed due to a time out or user exit
beforeRenderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
A callback method that is invoked right before the component is rendered
beforeRenderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Callback method invoked before rendering a component.
beforeRenderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Callback method invoked before rendering a component
beginLayout() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
beginOperation() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Begins a custom operation
beginOperation() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Marks the beginning of a complete sequence of steps letting WebCream know that rendering of HTML page should be deferred until the application calls endOperation().
beginTable(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method that appends the tags that start HTML table
beginTable(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method that appends the tags that start HTML table
beginTable(int, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method that appends the tags that start HTML table
beginTable(int, int, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method that appends the tags that start HTML table
beginTable(int, int, String, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method that appends the tags that start HTML table
beginTable(int, int, String, Object, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method that appends the tags that start HTML table.
beginTableCell() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to begin table cell
beginTableCell(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to begin table cell
beginTableCell(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedHTMLPage
Override from HTMLPage to add a
for Netscape, otherwise absolute positioning doesn't work
beginTableRow() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to begin HTML table row
beginTableRow(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to begin HTML table row using <tr> tag
beginValidate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
BROWSER_IE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Internet Explorer
BROWSER_NS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Netscape browser
BROWSER_OPERA - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Opera browser
BROWSER_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Unknown browser
browserID - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
The version of the browser.
browserVersion - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Version of the browser.


cancelPendingPaint(int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
canDetermineObscurity() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
centerWindow(Window) - Static method in class creamtec.core.GUIUtilities
Centers a given window on screen
checkActionOperation(HTMLPage, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Checks if an operation is configured for this action, and if it is, calls ClientAgent.beginOperation().
checkImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
checkImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
childResized(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
className(Class, String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
cleanupImageUrl(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper function used by getImageUrl to clean up the image URL in case it originated from a jar or from a file
cleanupName(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Removes/replaces characters in the name that can cause problems when used in HTML and JavaScript
cleanupName(String, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Removes/replaces characters in the name that can cause problems when used in HTML and JavaScript
clear() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Resets the buffer by deleting the entire contents and setting indent to 0
clear() - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Frees all allocated resources
clear() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
clearMyAgent(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentManager
Removes the association between the object and the client agent
clearSelection() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
ClientAgent - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Main class within the client process/virtual process.
ClientAgent(String, String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Initializes the client agent
ClientAgent.InitLock - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Synchronizes the initialization of the JVM
ClientAgent.InitLock() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent.InitLock
ClientAgent.OperationLock - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Synchronizes the processing of a user-defined operation.
ClientAgent.OperationLock() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent.OperationLock
ClientAgent.RequestLock - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Syncrhonizes the processing of a request.
ClientAgent.RequestLock() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent.RequestLock
ClientAgentFactory - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Creates, maintains and shuts down virtual client agents.
ClientAgentImpl - Class in creamtec.webcream
ClientAgentImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
ClientAgentImpl_Skel - Class in creamtec.webcream
ClientAgentImpl_Skel() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Skel
ClientAgentImpl_Stub - Class in creamtec.webcream
ClientAgentImpl_Stub() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
ClientAgentImpl_Stub(RemoteRef) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
ClientAgentManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Centralized manager of virtual client instances.
ClientAgentManager() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentManager
ClientAgentManagerImpl - Class in creamtec.webcream
Centralized manager of ClientAgents.
ClientAgentManagerImpl() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentManagerImpl
ClientAgentManagerImpl_Skel - Class in creamtec.webcream
ClientAgentManagerImpl_Skel() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentManagerImpl_Skel
ClientAgentManagerImpl_Stub - Class in creamtec.webcream
ClientAgentManagerImpl_Stub() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentManagerImpl_Stub
ClientAgentManagerImpl_Stub(RemoteRef) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentManagerImpl_Stub
ClientAgentManagerRemote - Interface in creamtec.webcream.core
Centralized manager of ClientAgents.
ClientAgentRemote - Interface in creamtec.webcream.core
Remote interface, through which a ClientAgent can be accessed via RMI
clientHeight - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
clientId - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Used to uniquely identify a client
clientInitializing - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessContext
How many agents have executed in the life of the JVM
clientsCount - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessContext
Remote handle to a JVM
clientsExecuted - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessContext
Current number of agents executing in the JVM
clientWidth - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
closeWindow(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Closes given window
coalescePaintEvent(PaintEvent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
ColorFontMap - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Helper class that appends formatting such as colors and fonts for a component if the component formatting is different from the Swing default.
ColorFontMap() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.ColorFontMap
COMPONENT_HEIGHT_FOR_FILL - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredLayoutRenderer
COMPONENT_WIDTH_FOR_FILL - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredLayoutRenderer
ComponentProcessor - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to process a component while updating the GUI elements with the data from the brower
ComponentProcessor(HttpRequestData, ActionData, WindowUpdater) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.ComponentProcessor
Initializes the processor
ComponentRenderer - Interface in creamtec.webcream.rendering
This interface must be implemented by classes that will provide custom rendering for standard and custom controls
ComponentUpdater - Interface in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to set data from the HTML page to the corresponding UI component.
ContainerIterator - Class in creamtec.core.awt
Provides iteration of the container tree with a callback method.
ContainerIterator(ContainerIterator.Listener) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.awt.ContainerIterator
Initializes the container and associates a listener with it By default, invisible components are not processed
ContainerIterator(ContainerIterator.Listener, boolean) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.awt.ContainerIterator
Initializes the container
ContainerIterator.Listener - Interface in creamtec.core.awt
Users of the class must implement this Listener interface to process iterated components
contentsLost() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
creamtec.core - package creamtec.core
creamtec.core.awt - package creamtec.core.awt
creamtec.core.util - package creamtec.core.util
creamtec.webcream - package creamtec.webcream
creamtec.webcream.core - package creamtec.webcream.core
creamtec.webcream.examples - package creamtec.webcream.examples
creamtec.webcream.gui - package creamtec.webcream.gui
creamtec.webcream.gui.peer - package creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
creamtec.webcream.rendering - package creamtec.webcream.rendering
creamtec.webcream.rendering.html - package creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned - package creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned
creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured - package creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured
creamtec.webcream.servlet - package creamtec.webcream.servlet
creamtec.webcream.validation - package creamtec.webcream.validation
CREAMTEC_ROOT - Static variable in class creamtec.core.Utilities
createBuffers(int, BufferCapabilities) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
createButton(Button) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createCheckbox(Checkbox) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createChoice(Choice) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createClientAgent(String) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessRemote
createClientAgent(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Creates a new client agent with the given name.
createClientAgent(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Stub
createClientAgent(String) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.servlet.WebCreamServlet
createClientAgent(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Creates a new client agent.
createCompatibleImage(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
createCompatibleImage(int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
createCompatibleVolatileImage(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
createCompatibleVolatileImage(int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamButtonPeer
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamCheckboxPeer
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamLabelPeer
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
createDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
createDialog(Dialog) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createDocument() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Abstract Factory Method design pattern to create documents.
createDocument() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Creates a new HTML page
createDocument() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Overrides to create a positioned HTML page
createDragSourceContextPeer(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createFileDialog(FileDialog) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createFontConfiguration(boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment
createFrame(Frame) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createGraphics() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
createImage(ImageProducer) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
createImage(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
createImage(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createImage(URL) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createImage(ImageProducer) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
Uses as a wrapper around sun.awt.image.Image to capture the creation and loading of all images.
createLabel(Label) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createList(List) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createMenu(Menu) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createMenuBar(MenuBar) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createMenuItem(MenuItem) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createNewAgent(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentFactory
Creates a new agent.
createPanel(Panel) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createPopupMenu(PopupMenu) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createResource() - Method in interface creamtec.core.util.ResourceFactory
Must create a new resource and return it
createRobot(Robot, GraphicsDevice) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
createScrollbar(Scrollbar) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createScrollPane(ScrollPane) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createTextArea(TextArea) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createTextField(TextField) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
createVolatileImage(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
createWindow(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
CustomControlProcessor - Class in creamtec.webcream.examples
Example of implementing a custom renderer, custom updater and action emulator See WebCream documentation and javadoc for more information.
CustomControlProcessor() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.examples.CustomControlProcessor


DEBUG - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Global flag, indicating if the tracing is turned on (true) or off (false)
decodeValue(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Decode value from the source encoding into internal UTF8 encoding
decreaseIndent() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Decreases the indent in the buffer
decreaseIndent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Decreases the indent on the page
DEFAULT_CLASS_LEVEL - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
DEFAULT_CLASS_TRACE_ENABLED - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
DEFAULT_CUTOFF_LEVEL - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
DEFAULT_ERROR_LEVEL - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
DEFAULT_TRACE_LEVEL - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
DefaultComponentRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default component rendering for AWT components
DefaultComponentRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultComponentRenderer
DefaultComponentUpdater - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
The default implementation of setting the request values to AWT components
DefaultComponentUpdater() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultComponentUpdater
defaultEmulateAction(HTMLPage, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
The default emulation logic that is executed if no custom action processors claimed the responsibility for the action.
DefaultFillerRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JFiller components
DefaultFillerRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultFillerRenderer
DefaultJComboBoxRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JComboBox components
DefaultJComboBoxRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJComboBoxRenderer
DefaultJComponentRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for Swing components
DefaultJComponentRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJComponentRenderer
DefaultJComponentUpdater - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Updates Swing components with values received from HTTP request
DefaultJComponentUpdater() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultJComponentUpdater
DefaultJDesktopPaneRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJDesktopPaneRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJDesktopPaneRenderer
DefaultJEditorPaneRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JEditorPane components
DefaultJEditorPaneRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJEditorPaneRenderer
DefaultJInternalFrameRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJInternalFrameRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJInternalFrameRenderer
DefaultJLabelRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default rendering for DefaultJLabelRenderer
DefaultJLabelRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJLabelRenderer
DefaultJListRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJListRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJListRenderer
DefaultJMenuBarRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJMenuBarRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJMenuBarRenderer
DefaultJProgressBarRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JProgressBar components
DefaultJProgressBarRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJProgressBarRenderer
DefaultJRadioButtonRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JRadioButton components
DefaultJRadioButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJRadioButtonRenderer
DefaultJScrollBarRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JScrollBar components
DefaultJScrollBarRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJScrollBarRenderer
DefaultJScrollPaneRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JScrollPane components
DefaultJScrollPaneRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJScrollPaneRenderer
DefaultJSeparatorRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JSeparator components
DefaultJSeparatorRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJSeparatorRenderer
DefaultJSliderRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JSlider components
DefaultJSliderRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJSliderRenderer
DefaultJSplitPaneRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJSplitPaneRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJSplitPaneRenderer
DefaultJTabbedPaneRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJTabbedPaneRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTabbedPaneRenderer
DefaultJTableRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJTableRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTableRenderer
DefaultJTextAreaRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for Swing JTextArea components
DefaultJTextAreaRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTextAreaRenderer
DefaultJTextFieldRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for Swing JTextField components
DefaultJTextFieldRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTextFieldRenderer
DefaultJToggleButtonRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Provides default GUI component rendering for JToggleButton components
DefaultJToggleButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJToggleButtonRenderer
DefaultJTreeRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultJTreeRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTreeRenderer
DefaultJTreeUpdater - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Updates Swing components with values received from HTTP request
DefaultJTreeUpdater() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultJTreeUpdater
DefaultListRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultListRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultListRenderer
DefaultMenuBarRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
DefaultMenuBarRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
DEFUALT_MASK - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
DEFUALT_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
DEFUALT_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableDate
DEFUALT_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableFloat
DEFUALT_MAX_VALUE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableInt
DEFUALT_MIN_LENGTH - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
DEFUALT_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableDate
DEFUALT_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableFloat
DEFUALT_MIN_VALUE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableInt
DEFUALT_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
delete(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Deletes characters int the buffer between start and end
delItem(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
delItems(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
delMenu(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
deselect(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
destroy() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
Shuts down WebCream subsystem
destroyBuffers() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
disable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
disable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
disabledComponents - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
A map of components that used to be disabled because browsers do not send data for them and they may become enabled in response to an action
dispatch(Remote, RemoteCall, int, long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Skel
dispatch(Remote, RemoteCall, int, long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentManagerImpl_Skel
dispatch(Remote, RemoteCall, int, long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Skel
dispose() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
dispose() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
Document - Interface in creamtec.webcream.rendering
Base interface for all documents can be generated by WebCream
DocumentRenderer - Interface in creamtec.webcream.rendering
Base interface for rendering documents
DocumentRendererFactory - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering
Abastract Factory design pattern for instantiation of DocumentRenderers Currently only HTML PositionedPageRenderer and StructuredPageRenderer are supported
DocumentRendererFactory() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.DocumentRendererFactory
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
Delegates to doPost
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
Delegates the processing to the ServletHelper.processHttpRequest
doRun() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Does the job of running the client application
dummyField1 - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
dumpSystemInfo() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
dynamicEventsEnabled() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
dynamicEventsEnabled(HTMLPage, Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Convenience method to determine if a component should be rendered with support for dynamic events Takes into account app properties but not component listeners


EMULATE_REQUEST - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
emulateAction(HTMLPage, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.CustomControlProcessor
Called by WebCream to emulate a standard or custom action
emulateAction(HTMLPage, ActionData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.gui.ActionEmulator
Called by WindowProcessor to perform user action emulation
emulateAction(HTMLPage, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Emulates an action such as a button click, menu item selection or tabbed pane selection change.
emulateRequest(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Emulates the given request and action, as though triggered by the application user The action is executed on a separate threads, and all threads, spawned from the emulation thread are monitored for their state.
emulateRequest(HTMLPage, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Runs request emulation on this thread
emulateRequest(HTMLPage, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Emulates HTTP request.
enable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
enable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
END_OPERATION_NEW_WINDOW - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Specifies taht the operation should be ended when a new window is displayed at the top (not an existing one moved to the top)
END_OPERATION_NEXT_WINDOW - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Specifies that the operation should be ended when there is a different top level window
END_OPERATION_NONE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Specifies that the operation should not be ended by UI events
END_OPERATION_TITLED_WINDOW - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Specifies that the operation should be ended when a window with a certain title is shown
endLayout() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
endOperation() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Marks an end of custom operation
endOperation() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Marks the end of a complete sequence of steps prompting WebCream to begin rendering of the currently topmost window.
endTable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to end HTML table
endTableCell() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to end table cell
endTableCell() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedHTMLPage
Override from HTMLPage to add a for Netscape, otherwise absolute positioning doesn't work
endTableRow() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper method to end table row
endValidate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
errorMessage - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
The error message that will be rendered at the top of the page
ExceptionInfo - Interface in creamtec.core
Provides methods that add properties to exceptions
execJVMProcess(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Executes a JVM process for given application name and returns
execProcess(String, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamRegistryManager
Executes the script with the given name from the bin directory.
exit() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Safe shutdown of JVM.
EXIT_VM - Static variable in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException


FileUploadHandler - Class in creamtec.webcream
Used to process uploaded files
FileUploadHandler(String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.FileUploadHandler
fileUploadHandler - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
filterEvents(long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
findChildOfClass(Container, Class) - Static method in class creamtec.core.GUIUtilities
Finds a child of the given class anywhere down the containment tree
findFreeJVM(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Returns a JVM that can execute another virtual client for a given application
findJMenuElement(Object, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJMenuBarRenderer
findMenuItem(Object, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
findTitledBorder(Border) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Finds a titled border in the tree identified by the border (can be compound border)
flip(BufferCapabilities.FlipContents) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
fontPropertiesClass - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
FormattedStringBuffer - Class in creamtec.core
Provides implementation for a buffer of characters, that are stored in a formatted way.
FormattedStringBuffer() - Constructor for class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Initializes the buffer with the default buffer size of 4000 characters
FormattedStringBuffer(FormattedStringBuffer) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Initializes the buffer with the default buffer size and sets indent to be the same as in the given buffer
FormattedStringBuffer(int) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Initializes the buffer with the given buffer size
FormattedStringBuffer(String) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Initializes the buffer with the given string
freeResource(Object) - Method in interface creamtec.core.util.ResourceFactory
Must free the resource since it will not be used anymore


generateIconImage(HTMLPage, Component, Icon) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
Generate and return the snapshot image of the icon
generateImage(HTMLPage, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
Generate and return the snapshot image of the component
generateImageFile(HTMLPage, BufferedImage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
generateName(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Delegates the generation of component name to WindowUpdater
getAction() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Returns action, as specified in the HttpRequest.
getActionContext() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getActionObject() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
Returns the object that the action should be performed on
getActionParam() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getActionString() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getActivePort() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamRegistryManager
getAgent(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns the agent associated with the given session
getAgents() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns an iterator of client agents
getAgentsCount() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns the number of agents currently running for this application
getAllocatedResourceCount() - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Returns the total number of created resources, in and out of the pool
getAppDesc(HttpServletRequest, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Returns the application descriptor for a given request
getAppJvms(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Returns all JVMs for the given application
getApplet(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getAppletContext() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
getApplets() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getAppName() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns application name
getAppName() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Returns application name.
getAppName() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns the application name.
getAppProperties(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamPropertiesManager
Returns the properties for the given application name.
getAttributes() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
getAudioClip(URL) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getAvailableJVM(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
If there's already a warmed up JVM, returns it.
getAvailableResourceCount() - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Returns the number of resources currently available in the pool
getBackBuffer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getBestConfiguration(GraphicsConfigTemplate) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsDevice
Returns the "best" configuration possible that passes the criteria defined in the GraphicsConfigTemplate.
getBody() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the buffer representing the page body (HTML between <body> and </body> tags)
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Returns a value of the boolean property
getBounds() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getBounds() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
getBrowserID() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the browser ID of the user, that the client agent is associated with
getBrowserVersion() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the browser version of the user, that the client agent is associated with
getBuffer() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
getBufferedImage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamImage
Override this method to store the newly created image in a hash that will allow us later to link it to this image
getButtonKeyName(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Format of the key is: window.Window_Title.button.button_text
getCapabilities() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getCaretPosition() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getCharacterBounds(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getClassLoader() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the class loader used to load the classes of this virtual client
getClassName() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment
getClassName() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
This function is here just to allow others to find out the name of this class after obfuscation
getClassName() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit142
This function is here just to allow others to find out the name of this class after obfuscation
getClassPathURLs(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamClassLoader
getClientAgent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Returns the client agent that owns this thread
getClientAgent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Returns the client agent associated with this thread group
getClientAgent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamEventQueue
getClientAgent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the client agent, associated with this page.
getClientAgent(AppDesc, HttpServletRequest, HttpRequestData, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Returns a client agent that should process the given request.
getClientId() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns agent name
getClientId(ClientAgentRemote) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
We have to use Object's implementation of hashCode() because RemoteObject always return the same value for all out-of-process agents
getClientId() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Allows the running application to determine the ID of the client that is using the application.
getCode() - Method in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Returns exception code
getCode() - Method in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamSecurityException
getCodeBase() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
getColorModel() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getColorModel() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
Always return RGB color model
getColorModel(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
getColorModel() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getCommonScripts(HTMLPage) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
getComponentClassName(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Returns component class name without the package name
getComponentKeyName(HTMLPage, Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Returns the key that is used to identify this component in the application properties file The key format is window.Window_Title.Component_Title
getComponentKeyName(HTMLPage, Object, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Returns the key that is used to identify this component in the application properties file The key format is window.Window_Title.Component_Title
getComponentKnownClassName(Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.ColorFontMap
Returns the known AWT/Swing class name of the component.
getComponentName(Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Returns component name that can be used to identify it in a properties file If component has been given a name, it is used.
getComponentName(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Needed for components that must be accessible outside the context of HTMLPage
getComponentName(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
By default, names are generated based on the component type and the hashCode If a component has a name and renderContext forces names to be used, the component name is returned
getComponentName(MenuBar) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
If a component has a name, it is returned.
getComponentRect(HTMLPage, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Should be overriden to get rectangle of component in the positioning page renderers.
getComponentRect(HTMLPage, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Returns the component rectangle
getComponentStyle(HTMLPage, Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.ColorFontMap
Returns an HTML representation of the component formatting properties as they should appear in "style" property
getComponentUpdater(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Returns the component updater for the given class name If a custom component updater is not registered for the given class, a default one is returned
getConfDir() - Static method in class creamtec.core.Utilities
Returns the path to the configuration directory, which is called "conf" and is located under root directory
getConfFullPath(String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.Utilities
Returns the full path to a given file starting from the configuration directory
getConfigurations() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsDevice
Returns all of the GraphicsConfiguration objects associated with this GraphicsDevice.
getContainerStyle(HTMLPage, Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.ColorFontMap
Returns the container formatting properties such as the background color
getCssClassName(Component, HTMLPage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
getCurrentInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the instance of ClientAgent, associated with the calling thread May not work correctly in a multi threaded application
getCustomComponentRenderer(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Locates the proper renderer for the given component and returns it
getCutoffLevel() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
getDefaultCharacterEncoding() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
getDefaultComponentUpdater() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Returns the default component updater that implements the default logic of component processing and updating in WebCream.
getDefaultConfiguration() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsDevice
Returns the default GraphicsConfiguration associated with this GraphicsDevice.
getDefaultJComponentRenderer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
getDefaultLayoutRenderer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredPageRenderer
getDefaultTransform() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
getDefaultUnicodeEncoding() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
getDeflatedHeight(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Returns the height decreased by configured percentage (see application property html.inflate.height).
getDeflatedWidth(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Returns the width decreased by configured percentage (see application property html.inflate.width).
getDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
getDelegate() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getDelegateComponent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getDevice() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
getDisplayName() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
getDocsRealPath(AppDesc, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Real path is disk path such as C:\Java\WebCream and it's needed for SnapshotRenderer temp directory
getDocsURL() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the URL that specifies the location of the documents for the current application.
getDocumentBase() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
getDocumentRenderer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the instance of PageRenderer, associated with this client
getDownloadFileName() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
If set, the file is written out into the response
getElementLabel(MenuElement) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJMenuBarRenderer
getElementLabel(MenuComponent) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
getErrorMessage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Returns the error message that should be displayed on the generated HTML page
getErrorMessage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Returns the error message to be displayed at the top of the response page
getErrorMessage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Returns the error message
getErrorMessage() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
getErrorPage(AppDesc, Throwable, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Renders a simple error page used for system errors.
getEventQueue() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Used to retrieve the virtual user specific AWT event queue
getException() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the exception cought while processing a request
getExceptionText(String, Throwable) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Returns the message, appended with the details of exception (exception type and text
getExceptionText(String, Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
getFaceNameFromComponentFontName(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamFontConfiguration
getFallbackFamilyName(String, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamFontConfiguration
getFileName() - Method in class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Returns the file name that was used to load the properties
getFileWriter() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Returns the log file writer
getFlag() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Returns thread flag.
getFocusOwner() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getFontPeer(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getFullPath(String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.Utilities
Returns the full path to a given file starting from the root directory
getGlobalCursorManager() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
getGraphics() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getGraphicsConfiguration() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getHeader() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the buffer representing the page header (HTML between <header> and </header> tags)
getHeight() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getHeight(ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getHScrollbarHeight() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
getHTMLPage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns HTML Page, associated with this client
getHtmlPage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Returns the HTML page, that needs to be sent to the browser
getHTMLPageRenderer(AgentInitData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.DocumentRendererFactory
Locates the document renderer that supports the given browser
getIconFileName(Icon) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getIDstring() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsDevice
getImage() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getImage(URL) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getImage(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getImage(URL) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getImageFileName(Image) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getImageUrl(Image) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getImageUrl(Icon, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper function that can be used to obtain a URL that should be used on a page for a given Icon.
getImageUrl(Image) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Helper function that can be used to obtain a URL that should be used on a page for a given Image.
getIncludeTree(HTMLPage) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
getIndent() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Returns the indent in the buffer
getIndent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the current indent as the number of spaces before the line text starts
getIndexAtPoint(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getInflatedHeight(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Returns the height increased by configured percentage (see application property html.inflate.height).
getInflatedWidth(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Returns the width increased by configured percentage (see application property html.inflate.width).
getInitData() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns application initialization data
getInitializeTreeDocument(HTMLPage) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
getInputMethodAdapterDescriptor() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
getInputMethodRequests() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getInsets() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentFactory
Returns the instance of the agent factory
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentManager
Implementation of a singleton pattern for ClientAgentManager
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ThreadManager
Returns the instance of ThreadManager, associated with this client
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamPropertiesManager
Returns the singlton instance of the property manager
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Returns the instance representing this JVM
getInstance() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.DocumentRendererFactory
getInstance(ServletContext, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Returns the instance of the servlet helper
getIntProperty(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Returns a value of the int property
getItemString(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Converts the item object to the proper stringified representation.
getLayoutRenderer(LayoutManager) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredPageRenderer
getListenerName(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Helper method to return the listener name for a given application name
getLocationOnScreen() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getLogFileName() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
getMask() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
getMaximumWindowSize(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
getMaxLength() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
getMaxSize() - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Returns the maximum number of resources allowed
getMaxValue() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableDate
getMaxValue() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableFloat
getMaxValue() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableInt
getMenuItemKeyName(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Format of the key is: window.Window_Title.menu.SubMenuIndex.MenuItemIndex.action
getMenuOnMouseOver(HTMLPage, String, int) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
getMenuStyle(HTMLPage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
getMinimumSize() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getMinimumSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
getMinimumSize(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
Have to provide implementation for this method so that AWT components can be properly sized by the layout manager
getMinimumSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
Have to provide implementation for this method so that AWT components can be properly sized by the layout manager
getMinLength() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
getMinValue() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableDate
getMinValue() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableFloat
getMinValue() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.ValidatableInt
getMyAgent(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentManager
Returns the agent associated with the given object
getMyThread(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ThreadManager
Returns WebCreamThread associated with the given object
getMyThread() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
getName() - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
getNestedException() - Method in interface creamtec.core.ExceptionInfo
Returns nested exception, if there is one, or null
getNestedException() - Method in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Returns the exception that triggered this error
getNestedException() - Method in exception creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamLookAndFeel.LFChangeError
getNextComponentNameIndex(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
getNoBreakFlag() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
getNormalizingTransform() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
getOnLoadScriptBody() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
getOperationLock() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Used to control multithreaded applications
getOperations() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Skel
getOperations() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentManagerImpl_Skel
getOperations() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Skel
getOutput() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the buffer (body/header) that the page is currently outputing to
getPageRenderer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the page renderer associated with the page.
getParameter(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
getParameterValue(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Returns the value of the given request parameter
getParameterValues(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Returns all values of a HTTP request parameter.
getParams() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Returns a hashtable of parameters, that represent the values, entered by the user to form inputs.
getParams() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Stores WebCream and custom parameters of the response.
getParentName() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
getPreferredSize() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getPreferredSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
getPreferredSize(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
Have to provide implementation for this method so that AWT components can be properly sized by the layout manager
getPreferredSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
Have to provide implementation for this method so that AWT components can be properly sized by the layout manager
getPrimeThread() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Returns the main thread of this thread group
getPrinterJob() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment
getPrintJob(Frame, String, Properties) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getPropertiesMap() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamPropertiesManager
Returns a map of all loaded application configurations
getProperty(String, ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getProps() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the application initialization properties
getProps() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Properties map can be used to store a list of standard and user-defined properties
getProps() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns application configuration properties.
getRedirectURL() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Returns the URL of the page, that was requested to be shown next
getRedirectURL() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the redirection URL
getRegistry(int, int) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamRegistryManager
Locates the registry on the given port.
getRenderContext() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the rendering context associated with this page
getRequestData() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns data received from the browser
getRequestFilter() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns request filter instance or null
getRequestFilter() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Returns the request filter instance
getRequestId() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Each request increments the id
getRequestId() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Returns the request ID.
getRequestParameters() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Returns name-value pairs of parameters received with the HTTP request.
getResource() - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Obtains a resource from the pool if there is one available.
getResponseData() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns data received from the browser
getRootContainer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Returns the root container of the page, such as Window
getRootDir() - Static method in class creamtec.core.Utilities
Returns the home directory specified via creamtec.home JVM property
getScreenResolution() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getSelectedFrame(JDesktopPane) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJDesktopPaneRenderer
JDesktopPane can contain regular components as well as JInternalFrames
getSelectedIndexes() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
getSelectionEnd() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getSelectionStart() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getServerURL(AppDesc, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Obtains the web server URL based on the scheme, port and web app context.
getServletInfo() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
Returns WebCream information
getSession() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the session map associated with the client.
getSession(ClientAgentRemote) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns the session associated with the given agent
getSessionAttribute(HttpSession, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Version-safe way of getting a value from a session
getSessionManager() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns application session manager.
getSessions() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Returns a set of all active sessions.
getSessionTimeout() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Returns session timeout
getShowSubMenu(HTMLPage) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
getSnapshot() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getSnapshotImageIndex() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns an index for generating the snapshot name
getSnapshotRenderer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultComponentRenderer
getState() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
getStatus() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Returns the status of the response
getStream(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getStreamKeys() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
getSubmenuName(String, MenuComponent) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
getSubmitURL() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Returns the error message
getSubmitURL() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the URL
getSubmitURL(AppDesc, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Obtains the submit URL based on the application configuration or the request URL
getSurfaceManager() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getSystemClipboard() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
getTableCol() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getTableObject() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getTableRow() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
getTarget() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getTempDirPath() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
getTempDirPath() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns the path of the temporary directory on the web server Documents placed in this directory can be referenced from generated HTML pages
getTempFiles() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Client agent stores the temporary files created for the user They are automatically deleted when the agent is shutdown
getText() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
getTextComponentFontName(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamFontConfiguration
getThemeDocsURL() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the URL that specifies the location of the theme-specificdocuments for the current application.
getThemeName() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the name of the application HTML theme.
getTitle() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns page title
getTitledBorder(HTMLPage, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
getTitleForComponent(Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Extracts the title from the component depending on the component type
getToolkit() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
getToolkitClassName() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
getTraceLevel(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Returns true if the tracing is enabled for the given object
getTraceLevel(Class) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Returns true if the tracing is enabled for the given class
getTreeSelectionListenersCount(JTree) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTreeRenderer
getType() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsDevice
getUIManager() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the instance of UIManager, associated with this client
getUpdateTreeData(HTMLPage, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
getVScrollbarWidth() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
getWebCreamSessionListener() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Returns client session listener
getWebCreamThreadGroup() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the thread group that owns all threads of this agent
getWebCreamThreadGroup() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Returns WebCreamThreadGroup that own this thread
getWidth() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getWidth(ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
getWindowFooter() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns the buffer representing the end of the page body.
getWindowId() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Returns the window ID of the window, that was used to render the page
getWindowInFocus() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Returns the top level window for this agent
getWindowInFocusTitle() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Convenience method that returns the title of the top level window If there is no window or if the focused window is not Dialog or Frame returns null
getWindowProperty(String, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Looks up and returns the value of the property if set for a window with the given title
getWindowUpdater() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns the instance of WindowUpdater, associated with this client
getWriteToConsole() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
getWriteToFile() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
GUIUtilities - Class in creamtec.core
Provides convenience methods for GUI objects


handleEvent(AWTEvent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
handleFocusTraversalEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
Implementation copied from AWT
handlesWheelScrolling() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
handleUpload(AppDesc, HttpServletRequest, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.FileUploadHandler
hasBorder(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
hide() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.SaveDialogPeer
hide() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
hide() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamDialogPeer
hide() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
hideWindow(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Called by Window peer to indicate that a window is being hidden Removes the window from top of the window stack and processes window-related operations
horizontalFill - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if currently rendering horizontal fill of a GridBagLayout
HTML_DEFAULT_TEXT_COMPONENT_COLUMNS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_DEFAULT_TEXT_COMPONENT_ROWS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_DOCS_REAL_PATH - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_DOCS_URL - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_DYNAMIC_EVENTS_ENABLED - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_ERROR_PAGE_URL - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_EXIT_PAGE_URL - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_HUMAN_COMPONENT_NAMES - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_IGNORE_BACKGROUND_COLORS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_IGNORE_DISABLED_STATE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_INFLATE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_INFLATE_WIDTH - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_MAX_TABS_PER_ROW - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_MIN_LIST_VISIBLE_ROW_COUNT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_SNAPSHOT_RENDERER_ENABLE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_SUBMIT_URL - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_THEME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_USE_RESIZE_BUTTON - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTML_USE_UPDATE_BUTTON - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
HTMLComponentRenderer - Interface in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
This interface must be implemented by classes that will provide custom rendering for standard and custom controls
HTMLPage - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Represents HTML page that will be sent to the browser.
HTMLPage() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Creates an empty page with default parameters
HTMLPage(ClientAgent) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Creates an empty page with default parameters and associates it with the given client agent
HTMLPage(ClientAgent, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Creates an empty page with the given buffer size and associates it with the client agent
HTMLPage(HTMLPage) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Creates a page that has the same indents as the given page and is associated with the same client agent
HTMLPageRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Contains logic that creates HTML page from parts such as the header and the body.
HTMLPageRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
HttpRequestData - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Holds various HTTP request parameters, mostly mirroring HttpRequest interface
HttpRequestData() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
HttpResponseData - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Contains response parameters, that are sent back to the servlet from the client agent.
HttpResponseData() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
humanComponentNames - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties


ignoreBackgroundColor - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set to ignore rendering colors for components (browser versions 4+)
ignoreDisabledState - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ignoreForegroundColor - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set to ignore rendering colors for components (browser versions 4+)
includeJavaScript(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Includes an external JavaScript file identified by the source URL Behaves correctly if called multiple times for the same URL
includeStylesheet(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Includes an external JavaScript file identified by the source URL Behaves correctly if called multiple times for the same URL
increaseIndent() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Increases the indent in the buffer
increaseIndent() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Increases the indent on the page
incSnapshotIndex() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Increments an index for generating the snapshot name by one
init(AgentInitData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Initializes the client
init(AgentInitData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
init(AgentInitData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Completes client initialization by storing the data.
init(WebCreamServlet, JVMFactory) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentFactory
Static method used to pass an active instance of the servlet helper.
init(AgentInitData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentRemote
Initializes the client
init(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
init(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamPropertiesManager
Factory method used to create and initialize the property manager
init(boolean) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
init() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Initializes the manager and installs a trap to prevent look and feel changes (they slow down the performance and can lead to various exceptions)
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
Verifies WebCream configuration and initializes the router
initCustomUpdatersAndEmulators(ClientAgent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Loads custom updaters from the application properties file.
initProperties(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Initializes generic properties and variables of the client agent that do not depend on the specific application configuration
initRegistry(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
inProcess - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
True if the agent executes in process, false if stand alone
inProcess - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Flag indicating whether the emulation should be in the web server JVM
insert(int, String) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Inserts the given text at the absolute position
insert(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
insertLayer(HTMLPage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
insertMarked(String) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Inserts the given text into the buffer at the marked position.
insertMarked(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Inserts the given string into the buffer at the positioned that was previously marked with markPosition.
insertText(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
insets() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
installExitTrap() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Installs the security manager to intercept System.exit() attempts.
installLFTrap() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Installs look and feel trap
installToolkit() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Installs AWT toolkit.
instancesCount - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
isActive() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
isApplet() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Can be used to test if the application is running as an applet
isBlocked() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Returns true if this thread is currently blocked
isContainerTable - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if the component is directly positioned within an HTML table
isFocusable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
isFocusTraversable() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
isFrameStateSupported(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
isInitialized() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
Determines if the data has been initialized
isInProcess() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Returns true if the application is configured to run inside the same JVM as the router.
isMultipartContent(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.FileUploadHandler
File upload uses multipart content
isNewSession() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Returns true if the request is recieved for a newly created session, which means that the client is making it's first request for the application (or returning to the application after exiting it)
isObscured() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
isOperationActive() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Operations can be defined using the application properties file to fine tune a multithreaded application
isPaintPending() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
isProcessed() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
Determines if the action is already processed by one of the emulators
isReparentSupported() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
isRequestActive() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Can be used to test if the agent is currently processing a request
isRequired() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
isRestackSupported() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
isRunning() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns true if the client is already executing
isRunning() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Returns true if this thread is currently executing an operation
isSingleRowSelection(JTable) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTableRenderer
isToolkitInstalled() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Returns true if the toolkit has already been installed
isUndecorated(Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
Returns true if the window does not have a title bar.
isUndecorated(Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit142
Returns true if the window does not have a title bar.
isWebCreamRunning() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Returns true if WebCream classes are in the classpath
isWindowUndecorated(Container) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
iterate(Component) - Method in class creamtec.core.awt.ContainerIterator
Recurses the container tree


JavaScript - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Contains methods that return various JavaScript snippets
JavaScript() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.JavaScript
JVMFactory - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Creates and manages external JVMs.
JVMFactory() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Initializes the factory and starts in-process RMI registry
JVMFactory_Stub - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
JVMFactory_Stub(RemoteRef) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory_Stub
JVMFactoryRemote - Interface in creamtec.webcream.core
Specifies the communication protocol between JVM processes and the JVM factory
jvmProcess - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessContext
JVMProcess - Class in creamtec.webcream
Represents a standalone JVM process.
JVMProcess(String, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Initializes an instance and registers it with the factory.
JVMProcess_Skel - Class in creamtec.webcream
JVMProcess_Skel() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Skel
JVMProcess_Stub - Class in creamtec.webcream
JVMProcess_Stub() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Stub
JVMProcess_Stub(RemoteRef) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Stub
JVMProcessContext - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Stores the context parameters of the current JVM
JVMProcessContext() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessContext
JVMProcessRemote - Interface in creamtec.webcream.core


knownContainer(Object) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Returns true if the passed component should be rendered as a container.


lastOperationTime - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager.SessionInfo
launchJVM(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Launches a new JVM for a given application and waits for it to become available
layout() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
LayoutRenderer - Interface in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Defines a base interface for structured layout rendering (not used in positioned rendering).
length() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Returns the current size of the buffer in characters
LEVEL_INDENT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTreeRenderer
LFChangeAllowed - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamLookAndFeel
LFInstalled - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
LIMIT_MODE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
listener - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager.SessionInfo
loadSettings() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr


MAIL_HEADER - Static variable in class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
MAIL_HEADER_FROM - Static variable in class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
MAIL_HEADER_TO - Static variable in class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
MailManager - Class in creamtec.core.util
Helper class to simplify sending emails using JavaMail.
MailManager() - Constructor for class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
MailManager(Properties) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
MailManager.MailAuthenticator - Class in creamtec.core.util
MailManager.MailAuthenticator(String, String) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.util.MailManager.MailAuthenticator
main(String[]) - Static method in class creamtec.core.StringUtilities
Tests the utility method(s)
main(String[]) - Static method in class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
main(String[]) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamClassLoader
main(String[]) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
JVM Process entry point.
makeVisible(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
markPosition() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Stores the current position to be reused later by insertMarked
markPosition() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Saves the end of the buffer as the current marked position.
MASK_CREDIT_CARD - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MASK_EMAIL - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MASK_MONEY - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MASK_POSTAL_CODE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MASK_POSTAL_ZIP - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MASK_TELEPHONE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MASK_ZIP_CODE - Static variable in interface creamtec.webcream.validation.Validatable
MAX_CHILDREN_WITH_LINES - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTreeRenderer
maximizeFrame(Frame) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Sets the window size to the maximim possible for the current browser window
minimumSize() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
minimumSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
minimumSize(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
minimumSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
mPrintDate - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr


nameToHTML(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Converts the given name to HTML manageable name that can be used for HTML and JavaScript elements
needsClipping(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Returns true if the component requires a clipping clause in style
needsScrollbars(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Returns true if the component requires scrollbars
newLine() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Ensure that next text appended will be written on the new line Does not actually insert a new line character (use appendln("") instead
newLine() - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Outputs a new line
newLine() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Ensure that next text appended will be written on the new line.
NODE_IMG_WIDTH - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTreeRenderer


offsetX - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Added to the value of the left coordinate of the rendered components
offsetY - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Added to the value of the top coordinate of the rendered components
outputBody() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Instructs the page to append all text to the body
outputHeader() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Instructs the page to append all text to the header


paint(Graphics) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
PARENT_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
parseAppNameAndAction(HttpServletRequest, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Obtain application name and the requested action from HTTP parameters and query string
ping() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Renews a lease on the agent.
ping() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
ping() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Renews a lease on the agent.
ping() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentRemote
Renews a lease on the agent.
ping() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Used by JVMProcesses to check if the server is still running
ping() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory_Stub
ping() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactoryRemote
Used by JVMProcesses to check if the server is still running
ping() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Renews a lease on the agent.
positionComponents - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if components coordinates are being specified in HTML (browser versions 4+)
PositionedHTMLPage - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned
Extends HTML page to provide additional characteristics for rendering positioned components.
PositionedHTMLPage() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedHTMLPage
PositionedPageRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned
Implements positioned rendering, where instead of following container layouts the components are rendered into HTML with the fixed coordinates using CSS2 style property.
PositionedPageRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
postEmulateAction(ClientAgent, ActionData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.AgentRequestFilter
Called after the action emulation is complete.
postEmulateAction(ClientAgent, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
postEmulateAction(ClientAgent, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
Called after the action emulation is complete.
postProcessComponent(Component) - Method in interface creamtec.core.awt.ContainerIterator.Listener
Callback method that is called after the component and its subtree of children has been processed
postProcessComponent(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.ComponentProcessor
postProcessRequest(ClientAgent, HttpResponseData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.AgentRequestFilter
Called when a request is processed and about to be returned to the router servlet.
postProcessRequest(ClientAgent, HttpResponseData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
postProcessRequest(ClientAgent, HttpResponseData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
Overridden to modify the generated HTML page by adding the user IP address.
postProcessRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AppDesc, ClientAgentRemote, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.RouterRequestFilterExample
postProcessRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AppDesc, ClientAgentRemote, HttpRequestData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.RouterRequestFilter
Called when a new HTTP request is received by the router after the WebCream related information has been extracted from the request and the appropriate client agent located.
postRenderWindow(ClientAgent, Window, String) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.AgentRequestFilter
Called after the given window is rendered as HTML page
postRenderWindow(ClientAgent, Window, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
postRenderWindow(ClientAgent, Window, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
Called after the given window is rendered as HTML page
postUpdateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.CustomControlProcessor
postUpdateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.gui.ComponentUpdater
Called by WebCream after the component and it's subtree of children has been updated
postUpdateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultComponentUpdater
postUpdateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultJComponentUpdater
postUpdateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.SnapshotUpdater
preEmulateAction(ClientAgent, ActionData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.AgentRequestFilter
Called after the controls have been updated with the data but before the action is emulated.
preEmulateAction(ClientAgent, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
preEmulateAction(ClientAgent, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
Called after the controls have been updated with the data but before the action is emulated.
preferredSize() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
preferredSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
preferredSize(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
preferredSize(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
prepareImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
prepareImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
prependJavaScript(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Use to insert a JavaScript to the HTML page header before any other JavaScript functions.
preProcessRequest(ClientAgent) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.AgentRequestFilter
Called when a request is received and the agent is initialized.
preProcessRequest(ClientAgent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
preProcessRequest(ClientAgent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
Overridden to intercept "resize" action.
preProcessRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.RouterRequestFilterExample
preProcessRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.RouterRequestFilter
Called when a new HTTP request is received by the router before any processing has been done.
preRenderWindow(ClientAgent, Window) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.AgentRequestFilter
Called before the given window is rendered as HTML page
preRenderWindow(ClientAgent, Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
preRenderWindow(ClientAgent, Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.AgentRequestFilterExample
Called before the given window is rendered as HTML page
preserveHeight - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If set, the height of components will be preserved in positioned rendering
preserveWidth - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If set, the width of components will be preserved in positioned rendering
preserveWidthAndHeight - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If set, the width and height of components will be preserved in positioned rendering
print(Graphics) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
processComponent(Component) - Method in interface creamtec.core.awt.ContainerIterator.Listener
Callback method that is called to process a component during the iteration
processComponent(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.ComponentProcessor
Find the appropriate updater and forward the work
processHttpRequest(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Processes HTTP request
processHttpRequest(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
processHttpRequest(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Processes HTTP request, as received by the servlet.
processHttpRequest(HttpRequestData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentRemote
Processes HTTP request
processHttpRequest(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Extracts parameters from HttpServletRequest, finds (creates) a client agent and delegates to it for processing and HTML generation.
processRequestData(AppDesc, HttpServletRequest, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Extracts and processes the request data
processResponse(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AppDesc, ClientAgentRemote, HttpRequestData, HttpResponseData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.RouterRequestFilterExample
processResponse(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AppDesc, ClientAgentRemote, HttpRequestData, HttpResponseData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.RouterRequestFilter
Called when the client agent has finished processing the request and has returned a page.
processRouterMode(HttpServletRequest, HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Sets the servlet parameters such as the application name and action based on the deployment method
PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
PROPS_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
PROPS_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
putResource(Object) - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Returns the resource to the pool.


raiseFlag() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Notifies the caller (the client agent) that the thread has finished the processing of an operation
registerActionEmulator(ActionEmulator) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Registers action emulator for all actions
registerActionEmulator(ActionEmulator, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Registers action emulator for windows whose title matches the specified filter string
registerIcon(Icon, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
registerImage(Image, String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
registerImage(Image, URL) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
registerJVM(String, JVMProcessRemote) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Registers external JVM with the factory.
registerJVM(String, JVMProcessRemote) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory_Stub
registerJVM(String, JVMProcessRemote) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactoryRemote
Registers external JVM with the factory.
registerLayoutRenderer(String, LayoutRenderer) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredPageRenderer
Registers a layout renderer for a given AWT layout type.
registerStandardImages() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
releaseThread(Thread) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Puts the thread back into the pool of ready-to-run threads
remove(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamChoicePeer
removeAgent(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Removes the agent identified by the given session
removeAll() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamChoicePeer
removeAll() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
removeBlockedThread(WebCreamThread) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Removes the given thread from a list of blocked threads.
removeSession(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Removes a given session from the managed list
removeSessionAttribute(HttpSession, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Version-safe way of removing a value from a session
renderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.CustomControlProcessor
renderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Facade method for rendering a component into the document.
renderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.rendering.ComponentRenderer
The implementation must add code to the document that represents the component.
renderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.AbstractHTMLComponentRenderer
Delegates rendering of document to abstract method rendering the HTML page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.AbstractHTMLComponentRenderer
Derived classes must override this method to render component into HTML page.
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultComponentRenderer
Renders a given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultFillerRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJComboBoxRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJDesktopPaneRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJEditorPaneRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJInternalFrameRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJLabelRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJListRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJMenuBarRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJProgressBarRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJRadioButtonRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJScrollBarRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJScrollPaneRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJSeparatorRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJSliderRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJSplitPaneRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTabbedPaneRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTableRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTextAreaRenderer
Renders a given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTextFieldRenderer
Renders a given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJToggleButtonRenderer
Overrides default implementation to render the given component into the page
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTreeRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultListRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultMenuBarRenderer
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLComponentRenderer
Implementations must append HTML code corresponding to the component to the HTML page
renderComponent(Document, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Facade method for rendering a component into the document.
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
Generates an image and makes the component draw itself into it.
renderComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.WYSIWYGEditor
Renders a given component into the page
renderContainer(Document, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.AbstractDocumentRenderer
Renders given container into the given document.
renderContainer(Document, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Helper method that forwards to renderContainer(HTMLPage, Container)
renderContainer(HTMLPage, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Must be overridden by subclasses to actually insert the logic of rendering
renderContainer(HTMLPage, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.positioned.PositionedPageRenderer
Renders a container into the page using fixed positioning.
renderContainer(HTMLPage, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredPageRenderer
Renders a container according to its layout.
RenderContext - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Stores the current runtime information about the rendering process.
RenderContext() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
renderCurrentWindow(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Renderes the currently focused window as HTML
renderCurrentWindow(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
renderCurrentWindow(HttpRequestData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Renders the current window on EventDispatch thread
renderCurrentWindow(HttpRequestData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentRemote
Renderes the currently focused window as HTML
renderDocument(ClientAgent, Window) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.rendering.DocumentRenderer
Top level method used to get a document representing a rendering of the window of the agent
renderDocument(ClientAgent, Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPageRenderer
Overrides AbstractDocumentRenderer implementation to render the given window as HTML page.
renderErrorPage(ClientAgent, Throwable) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.StandardPagesRenderer
Renders the error page displaying the exception.
renderExitPage(ClientAgent) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.StandardPagesRenderer
Renders exit page, displayed when the user closes the application of the application calls System.exit()
renderFileOpenDialog(HTMLPage, Window) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.StandardPagesRenderer
Renders an HTML window that corresponds to JFileChooser
renderImage(HTMLPage, Icon, boolean, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJLabelRenderer
renderingTableCell - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if a table cell is currently being rendered
renderKnownComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultComponentRenderer
renderKnownComponent(HTMLPage, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJComponentRenderer
renderLayout(HTMLPage, Container) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.LayoutRenderer
Renders a container according to its layout
renderLayout(HTMLPage, Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredLayoutRenderer
Renders the container according to its layout
renderStandardPage(int, Throwable) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Renders a standard page based on the template and the status
repaint(long, int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
reparent(ContainerPeer) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
replaceParameters(String, Properties) - Static method in class creamtec.core.StringUtilities
Replaces the parameters inside the string with the values given in the properties object.
replaceRange(String, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
replaceText(String, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
requestFocus() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
requestFocus(Component, boolean, boolean, long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
RequestTimeoutException - Exception in creamtec.webcream.core
RequestTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.RequestTimeoutException
requestWindowFocus() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
reset(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Clears the page and its buffers.
reset() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Resets the context to the initial pre-rendering state
resetComponentNameIndexes() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
resetData() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Release all references so objects can be garbage collected
resetFill() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Resets both fill properties to false
reshape(int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
resizeWindow(Window, String, HTMLPage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Resize string should follow the format "resize:width,height"
resizeWindows() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Updates sizes of maximized windows to match the client agent's current browser size
ResourceFactory - Interface in creamtec.core.util
ResourceFactory must be implemented by users of ResourcePool.
ResourcePool - Class in creamtec.core.util
ResourcePool(ResourceFactory, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
ResourcePool(ResourceFactory, int, int, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Manages a pool of resources.
restack() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
ROUTER_AGENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_CHARACTER_ENCODING - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_CLIENTS_PER_JVM - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_IN_PROCESS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_PRELOAD_APP - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_PRELOAD_WAIT_FOR_APP - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_REGISTRY_PORT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_REGISTRY_PORT_RANGE - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_RETIRE_JVM_AFTER_CLIENTS - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
ROUTER_SESSION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
RouterRequestFilter - Interface in creamtec.webcream
This interface must be implemented by classes in order to do pre- and post-processing of HTTP requests on the servlet level.
RouterRequestFilterExample - Class in creamtec.webcream.examples
Demonstrates an implementation of RouterRequestFilter interface.
RouterRequestFilterExample() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.examples.RouterRequestFilterExample
run() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Runs a loop waiting for an operation to process.
run() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Periodically iterate all sessions and expire those that timed out
runApp(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Runs the application/applet.
runApp(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
runApp(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Runs the application/applet.
runApp(boolean) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentRemote
Runs the application/applet.
runMethod(ClientAgent, Object, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Runs the object's method with a given name on this thread.


SaveDialogPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
SaveDialogPeer(Dialog) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.SaveDialogPeer
select(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamChoicePeer
select(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
select(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
sendMail(String, Properties) - Method in class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
sendMailFromFile(String, Properties) - Method in class creamtec.core.util.MailManager
serverURL - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
The URL of the web server
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
Traces all incoming service requests
servletContextPath - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
The context path of WebCream (see servlet spec)
ServletHelper - Class in creamtec.webcream
Provides implementation for most of the logic of processing an incoming HTTP servlet request and forwarding it to a client agent.
ServletHelper.InProcessAppDesc - Class in creamtec.webcream
Declare this class to resolve classpath to the application classes.
ServletHelper.InProcessAppDesc(String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper.InProcessAppDesc
ServletHelper.InProcessClientAgent - Class in creamtec.webcream
Declare this class to resolve classpath to the application classes.
ServletHelper.InProcessClientAgent(String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper.InProcessClientAgent
session - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager.SessionInfo
sessionExpired(Object) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionListener
Called when the session has expired
sessionExpired(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper.InProcessAppDesc
SessionListener - Interface in creamtec.webcream.servlet
Must be implemented in order to listen to session expiration with SessionManager
SessionManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.servlet
WebCream does its own session management because certain servlet engines had problems with session expiration.
SessionManager(long) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Initializes and starts the session manager
SessionManager(long, String) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Initializes and starts the session manager
SessionManager.SessionInfo - Class in creamtec.webcream.servlet
Stores information about the managed session
SessionManager.SessionInfo(Object, SessionListener) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager.SessionInfo
setAction(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Sets action to be emulated
setActionContext(Map) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setActionObject(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
Sets the action object
setActionParam(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setActionString(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setAlignment(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamLabelPeer
setAllowExit(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Used to allow or disallow JVM shutdown
setAppName(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Sets application name.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setBlocked(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Called by GUI subsystem to notify this thread that it is about to become blocked.
setBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Sets the value of a boolean property
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setBounds(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setBoundsPrivate(int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
setCheckboxGroup(CheckboxGroup) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamCheckboxPeer
setClientAgent(ClientAgent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Sets the client agent associated with this thread group
setClientAgent(ClientAgent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Used by WebCream to associate an agent with the page.
setComponentEditable(Component, boolean) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.DefaultJTableRenderer
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setCutoffLevel(int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
setDataFromPath(HttpRequestData, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Extracts the servlet parameters such as the application name and action from the given string
setDelegate(AgentRequestFilter) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
setDelegate(JComponent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setDelegateComponent(JComponent) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setDelegateToolkitClassName(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
Ignored because delegates are not used anymore (inheritance used instead)
setDownloadFileName(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Sets the name of the file to the file is written out into the response for downloading
setDynamicEventsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
setEchoChar(char) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
setEchoCharacter(char) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
setEndOperationEvent(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Sets code of the operation that needs to be executed when a window is closed See WebCream documentation on how to configure and use operations
setEndOperationWindowTitle(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Sets the title of the window that should trigger an operation
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Sets the error message that should be displayed on the generated HTML page
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Sets the error message that will be displayed at the top of the response page
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Sets the error message
setException(Throwable) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Sets the exception that occured in while processing a request
setFileWriter(Writer) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Sets the file writer that will receive log messages Note: if there is an existing log file writer, it is the caller's responsibility to close it.
setFill(HTMLPage, boolean, boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Sets the fill properties for layout rendering (used for structured rendering)
setFocusOwner(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setFont(Font) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setFont(Font) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
setForeground(Color) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setHtmlPage(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Sets HTMl page of the response
setIconImage(Image) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setImage(Image) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setIndent(int) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Sets the indent in the buffer to the absolute value
setIndent(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Sets the current indent as the number of spaces before the line text starts
setIntProperty(String, int) - Method in class creamtec.core.AppProperties
Sets the value of an int property
setLabel(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamButtonPeer
setLabel(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamCheckboxPeer
setLabel(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
setLineIncrement(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollBarPeer
setLoadSettings(boolean) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
setLogFileName(String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setMenuBar(MenuBar) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setMultipleMode(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
setMultipleSelections(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
setMyAgent(Object, ClientAgent) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentManager
Establishes the association between an object and a client agent
setMyThread(Object, WebCreamThread) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ThreadManager
Establishes association between the given object and the thread.
setName(String) - Method in class creamtec.core.util.ResourcePool
Sets pool name that will be used in tracing
setNewSession(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Sets whether or not the request is received for a new session
setNoBreak(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Marks beginning/end of unbreakable text using <nobr> tag
setNoBreak(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
If noBreak is set to true, the current HTML is wrapped with tags.
setNoBreak(boolean, Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
If component is passed in, <nobr> tag will be styled/positioned according to component position
setNoBreakFlag(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Will not append tags, just manipulate the flag
setOutput(FormattedStringBuffer) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Sets the buffer (body/header) that the page is currently outputing to
setPageIncrement(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollBarPeer
setPageRenderer(HTMLPageRenderer) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Used by WebCream to associate a page renderer with the page.
setParams(HashMap) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Sets parameters, containing values of form inputs
setPrimeThread(WebCreamThread) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Sets the main thread of this thread group
setProcessed(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
Marks the action as processed.
setRedirectURL(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Sets the URL of the page, that was requested to be shown next
setRedirectURL(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Sets the URL that WebCream should redirect browser to
setRenderContext(RenderContext) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Sets rendering context
setRequestId(long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpRequestData
Sets request ID
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamDialogPeer
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setResponseData(HttpResponseData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Sets the data structure for HTTP response
setRootContainer(Container) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Sets the root container
setRootDir(String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.Utilities
Can be used to provide the directory where the property file is located
setScrollPosition(int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
setSessionAttribute(HttpSession, String, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Version-safe way of storing a value in a session
setSessionTimeout(long) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Sets session timeout
setState(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamCheckboxPeer
setState(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setState(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
setStatus(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
setStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
setSubmitURL(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Sets the error message
setTableCol(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setTableObject(JTable) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setTableRow(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ActionData
setTarget(Component) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setText(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamLabelPeer
setText(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
setTitle(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamDialogPeer
setTitle(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
setTitle(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Sets page title
setUnitIncrement(Adjustable, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
setURLs(String, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Sets the URLs for page submission and the URL of the web server
setUseOnLoad(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Sets weather or not the page should have onLoad function specified for the tag
setValue(Component, Object, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultComponentUpdater
Sets the value of the component to the given value
setValue(Component, Object, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultJComponentUpdater
Sets the value to the component
setValue(Adjustable, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
setValues(int, int, int, int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollBarPeer
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
setWebappRealPath(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
setWebCreamSessionListener(WebCreamSessionListener) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamManager
Sets client session listener that is called by WebCream when a client session is created or destroyed
setWindowId(int) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
Sets the window ID, that was used to render the page
setWriteToConsole(boolean) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
setWriteToFile(boolean) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
shouldIgnoreTag(String) - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Returns true if the tag should be skipped
shouldIgnoreTag(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns true if the tag should be skipped
shouldRenderEnabled(ClientAgent, Component) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Convenience method to determine if a component should be rendered as enabled or disabled Takes into account app properties and the component state
shouldRenderStandardFileOpenDialog(ClientAgent, Container) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Returns true if the given window should be rendered as a stanard file open dialog with the view of the client machine for file upload
show() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.SaveDialogPeer
show() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
show() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamDialogPeer
show() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
show(Event) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
show() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
showDocument(URL) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
Overrides to with a redirection to the given URL
showDocument(URL, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
Overrides to with a redirection to the given URL possibly in a new window
showStatus(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
showWindow(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Called by Window peer to indicate that a window is being shown.
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Shutds down the agent
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl_Stub
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Ends client session and cleans up all client resources.
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentFactory
Shuts down the JVM factory but not the agents.
shutdown() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentRemote
Terminates the client JVM
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Shuts down all registered external JVMs
shutdown() - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessRemote
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
Stops this thread
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Stops all threads
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Disposes of all currently open windows
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Terminates the JVM by calling System.exit.
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Stub
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.SessionManager
Stops background session tracking thread.
shutdown() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Shuts down agents and all running external JVMs
shutdownAgent(ClientAgentRemote, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgentFactory
Shuts down the client agent.
shutdownAgent(AppDesc, Integer, ClientAgentRemote) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.ServletHelper
Shuts down the client agent
shutdownClientAgent(ClientAgentRemote) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.core.JVMProcessRemote
shutdownClientAgent(ClientAgentRemote) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Shuts down the given client agent.
shutdownClientAgent(ClientAgentRemote) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess_Stub
shutdownJVM(JVMProcessContext, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Shuts down the JVM identified by the JVM context and the application name
shutdownRegistry() - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamRegistryManager
Shuts down the registry, if it was created in this process
shuttingDown - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
SnapshotRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Generates an image and makes the component draw itself into it.
SnapshotRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
SnapshotUpdater - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
SnapshotUpdater works in conjunction with the SnapshotRenderer, which adds JavaScript mouse listener to the generated images.
SnapshotUpdater() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.SnapshotUpdater
StandardPagesRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Renders standard pages such as exit page and error page.
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
STATUS_EXIT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
STATUS_OK - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.HttpResponseData
StringUtilities - Class in creamtec.core
Helper class for various string manipulations
StringUtilities() - Constructor for class creamtec.core.StringUtilities
StructuredLayoutRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured
Implements the rendering of AWT container layouts as HTML tables
StructuredLayoutRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredLayoutRenderer
StructuredPageRenderer - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured
Implements the rendering of AWT container layouts as HTML tables.
StructuredPageRenderer() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.structured.StructuredPageRenderer
submitURL - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
The URL that the pages are submitted to
SUPPORTED_JDK_VERSION - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
sync() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
SYSTEM_EXIT - Static variable in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamSecurityException


tabbedPaneStylesAppended - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if the tabbed pane styles were appended to the page
tableCol - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If a table is being rendered, specifies the current column
tableName - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If a table is being rendered, specifies the JTable name
tableObject - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If a table is being rendered, refers to JTable instance
tableRow - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If a table is being rendered, specifies the current row
tempDirPath - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
Path to a temporary directory that is under web server's webapp directory (and therefore can be referred to from the generated HTML pages)
tempDirPath - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.servlet.AppDesc
Path to the temporary directory
ThreadManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Manages associations between objects and WebCream threads
ThreadManager() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.ThreadManager
titleToKey(String) - Static method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Converts given string title to a form, acceptable as a property in the properties file (hash table)
toBack() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
toFront() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
TOOLKIT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
toString() - Method in class creamtec.core.FormattedStringBuffer
Returns the buffer as a string
toString() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
toString() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Returns stringified representation of the page
trace(String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Outputs a single trace to the console window
trace(String, int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
trace(Object, String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Outputs a single trace to the application console window, prepended by the name of the class, that obj is instance of
trace(Object, String, int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
trace(Object, String, Throwable) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Outputs a single trace to the application console window, prepended by the name of the class, that obj is instance of; exception information is appended to the trace line to show the type of the exception and the exception text.
trace(Object, String, Throwable, int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
trace(Class, String) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Outputs a single trace to the application console window, prepended by the name of the class, that obj is instance of
trace(Class, String, int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
trace(Class, String, Throwable) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
Outputs a single trace to the application console window, prepended by the name of the class, that obj is instance of; exception information is appended to the trace line to show the type of the exception and the exception text.
trace(Class, String, Throwable, int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
trace(String, Throwable) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
trace(String, Throwable, int) - Static method in class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
TraceMgr - Class in creamtec.core
This class provides the basic tracing functionality, which at this point of time only allows to turn tracing on or off.
TraceMgr() - Constructor for class creamtec.core.TraceMgr
traceStack() - Method in interface creamtec.core.ExceptionInfo
Returns true if the stack trace for this exception should be written to the log file
traceStack() - Method in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Returns true if the stack trace of this exception should be written to System.err and the log file
traceStack() - Method in exception creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamLookAndFeel.LFChangeError
treesRendered - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
The number of rendered HTML trees
treeStylesAppended - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if the tree styles were appended to the page


uninitialize() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamLookAndFeel
unreferenced() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.ClientAgentImpl
Called when the Router no longer needs the Agent.
unreferenced() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.JVMProcess
Called by RMI runtime if the factory got shutdown
unregisterActionEmulator(ActionEmulator) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Removes the registration of action emulator
unregisterJVM(JVMProcessContext, String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Unregisteres external JVM with the factory
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamSecurityException
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
Called when the page is being cleared, so clean up generated images
updateAlwaysOnTop() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
updateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.examples.CustomControlProcessor
Called by WebCream to apply the data from HTML page to the GUI component
updateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in interface creamtec.webcream.gui.ComponentUpdater
Called by WebCream engine to set the data submitted by the browser to the component
updateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultComponentUpdater
Checks and if needed updates the component with the value obtained from the request.
updateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.DefaultJComponentUpdater
Updates component with the value received in the http request
updateComponent(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.SnapshotUpdater
If the action was a mouse click, emulates mouse event for the given component
updateComponentTreeData(Component, HttpRequestData, ActionData) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Updates components of the given window with the data
updateCursorImmediately() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
updateFocusableWindowState() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
useComponentNames - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
If NOT set (default), component names are generated based on their class and hashCode If set, the name returned by Component.getName() will be used to identify it in HTML
useWebCreamFontsConfigFile - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Utilities - Class in creamtec.core
Contains various helper methods


Validatable - Interface in creamtec.webcream.validation
ValidatableDate - Interface in creamtec.webcream.validation
ValidatableFloat - Interface in creamtec.webcream.validation
ValidatableInt - Interface in creamtec.webcream.validation
ValidatableString - Interface in creamtec.webcream.validation
validate(GraphicsConfiguration) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
VersionHelper - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Convenience class that encapsulates the properties and classes that differ from version to version.
VersionHelper() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
verticalFill - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Set if currently rendering vertical fill of a GridBagLayout
VOID_METHOD_VOID - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread


waitForBlockedThreads(Object[]) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.ClientAgent
Waits until all blocked threads finish running
waitForJVM(String) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.core.JVMFactory
Waits until a JVM for a given application becomes available
wasDisabled(Object) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.RenderContext
Returns true if the given component was disabled before the rendering began
webappRealPath - Variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.AgentInitData
The real path of the web application (see servlet spec)
WEBCREAM_HOME - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
WEBCREAM_VERSION - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
WEBCREAM_VERSION_ID - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.gui.VersionHelper
WebCreamAgentRequestFilter - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
WebCreamAgentRequestFilter() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamAgentRequestFilter
WebCreamAppletContext - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to supply applets running in WebCream with an instance of AppletContext
WebCreamAppletContext() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletContext
WebCreamAppletFrame - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used as the main frame that contains applets
WebCreamAppletFrame(ClientAgent, Applet) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletFrame
WebCreamAppletStub - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCream implementation of AppletStub interface.
WebCreamAppletStub() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamAppletStub
WebCreamButtonPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamButtonPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamButtonPeer
WebCreamCheckboxPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamCheckboxPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamCheckboxPeer
WebCreamChoicePeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamChoicePeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamChoicePeer
WebCreamClassLoader - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
WebCream uses a custom class loader to isolate applications running in the same JVM.
WebCreamClassLoader(URL[]) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamClassLoader
WebCreamComponentPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamComponentPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamComponentPeer
Other peers will delegate to their corresponding Swing classes so that sizes can be calculated properly
WebCreamContainerPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamContainerPeer(Container) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamContainerPeer
WebCreamCursorManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCreamCursorManager() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamCursorManager
WebCreamDialogPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamDialogPeer(Dialog) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamDialogPeer
WebCreamEventQueue - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCream provides each virtual client with its own EventQueue to isolate clients running in the same JVM.
WebCreamEventQueue(ClientAgent) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamEventQueue
WebCreamException - Exception in creamtec.webcream.core
Used to report all errors in WebCream
WebCreamException(String) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamException(String, Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamException(String, int) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamException(String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamException(String, int, Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamException
Initializes exception
WebCreamFontConfiguration - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCreamFontConfiguration(SunGraphicsEnvironment) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamFontConfiguration
WebCreamFontConfiguration(SunGraphicsEnvironment, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamFontConfiguration
WebCreamFramePeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamFramePeer(Frame) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamFramePeer
WebCreamGenericPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamGenericPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamGenericPeer
WebCreamGraphicsConfig - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to provide simulated graphics environment for GUI applications.
WebCreamGraphicsConfig(GraphicsDevice, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsConfig
WebCreamGraphicsDevice - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to provide simulated graphics environment for GUI applications.
WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to provide simulated graphics environment for GUI applications.
WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment
WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment.NameHelper - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
This function is here just because the class name doesn't change during obfuscation
WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment.NameHelper() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamGraphicsEnvironment.NameHelper
WebCreamImage - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used as a wrapper around sun.awt.image.Image to capture the creation and loading of all images.
WebCreamImage(ImageProducer) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamImage
WebCreamLabelPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamLabelPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamLabelPeer
WebCreamListPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamListPeer(List) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamListPeer
WebCreamLookAndFeel - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCreamLookAndFeel() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamLookAndFeel
WebCreamLookAndFeel.LFChangeError - Exception in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCreamLookAndFeel.LFChangeError() - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamLookAndFeel.LFChangeError
WebCreamManager - Class in creamtec.webcream
WebCreamManager is a helper class containing miscellaneous methods that provide simple means of integration with WebCream system.
WebCreamMenuPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamMenuPeer(MenuComponent) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamMenuPeer
WebCreamPanelPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamPanelPeer(Panel) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamPanelPeer
WebCreamProperties - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Caches certain properties for faster lookup.
WebCreamProperties() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
WebCreamProperties(Properties) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
WebCreamPropertiesManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Loads and manages the configuration properties for all applications configured in WebCream/conf directory.
WebCreamRegistryManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Manages RMI registry.
WebCreamRegistryManager() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamRegistryManager
WebCreamRouter - Class in creamtec.webcream
WebCream uses the router servlet to receive, pre-process and delegate HTTP requests to the appropriate client agent.
WebCreamRouter() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter
WebCreamRouter.InProcessJVMFactory - Class in creamtec.webcream
Extends the JVMFactory to provide WebCream with a class that is not loaded from the boot class path.
WebCreamRouter.InProcessJVMFactory() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.WebCreamRouter.InProcessJVMFactory
WebCreamScrollBarPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamScrollBarPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollBarPeer
WebCreamScrollPanePeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamScrollPanePeer(Container) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamScrollPanePeer
WebCreamSecurityException - Exception in creamtec.webcream.core
Currently not used.
WebCreamSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamSecurityException
WebCreamSecurityException(int) - Constructor for exception creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamSecurityException
WebCreamServlet - Interface in creamtec.webcream.servlet
Created just to link WebCreamRouter servlet classes with the boot classes
WebCreamSessionListener - Interface in creamtec.webcream
WebCreamSessionListener can be used to do task that are required before or after a client session has been created or deleted.
WebCreamTextAreaPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamTextAreaPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextAreaPeer
WebCreamTextComponentPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamTextComponentPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextComponentPeer
WebCreamTextFieldPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamTextFieldPeer(Component) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamTextFieldPeer
WebCreamThread - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
WebCream uses a pool of its own threads to process incoming requests.
WebCreamThread(WebCreamThreadGroup) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread
WebCreamThread.ThreadFlag - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
Lock flag that is used to synchronize the execution of operations on this thread
WebCreamThread.ThreadFlag() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThread.ThreadFlag
WebCreamThreadGroup - Class in creamtec.webcream.core
WebCream uses its own thread groups to keep track of the threads created by, and of behalf of, the virtual application.
WebCreamThreadGroup(ClientAgent) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamThreadGroup
Creates a thread group for the given client agent
WebCreamToolkit - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCream's implementation of AWT Toolkit is provided to override instantiation of peers and control other platform specific operations such as image loading.
WebCreamToolkit() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit
WebCreamToolkit130 - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCream's implementation of AWT Toolkit is provided to override instantiation of peers and control other platform specific operations such as image loading.
WebCreamToolkit130() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit130
WebCreamToolkit142 - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCream's implementation of AWT Toolkit is provided to override instantiation of peers and control other platform specific operations such as image loading.
WebCreamToolkit142() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamToolkit142
WebCreamUIManager - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Manages the UI elements such as windows and components.
WebCreamUIManager(ClientAgent) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Instantiates the manager for the given client agent
WebCreamVolatileImage - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
WebCreamVolatileImage(WebCreamGraphicsConfig, int, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
WebCreamVolatileImage(WebCreamGraphicsConfig, int, int, int) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamVolatileImage
WebCreamWindowPeer - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui.peer
WebCreamWindowPeer(Window) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.peer.WebCreamWindowPeer
WINDOW_TABLE_FILTER - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
WINDOW_TABLE_SORT - Static variable in class creamtec.webcream.core.WebCreamProperties
windowToBack(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Moves the given window to the bottom of the window stack
windowToFront(Window) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.gui.WebCreamUIManager
Moves the given window on top of the window stack
WindowUpdater - Class in creamtec.webcream.gui
Used to update GUI windows with the data, received from HTTP request.
WindowUpdater(ClientAgent) - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.gui.WindowUpdater
Creates window updater for the given client agent
writeJpegImage(HTMLPage, String, BufferedImage) - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.SnapshotRenderer
Persist the image into the file on disk
writeTrailer() - Method in class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.HTMLPage
Writes the trailer script the to page output
WYSIWYGEditor - Class in creamtec.webcream.rendering.html
Convenience base class to delegate renderComponent to an HTML specific method
WYSIWYGEditor() - Constructor for class creamtec.webcream.rendering.html.WYSIWYGEditor


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