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New Release - AjaxSwing 4.7.0 is out!
June 4, 2020
These are uncertain times, but one thing we know for sure - AjaxSwing continues to improve. The new release brings Java 11 support! Yep, you heard that right! You've been waiting for it and now it's officially out. And we also removed Java 7 support along the way. Also, from now on AjaxSwing 4.7.0 supports Tomcat 9 as it's been requested by our users. These are the major updates of June, but please check our Release History for additional details. AjaxSwing team hopes you stay healthy and safe wherever you are.
May 2020 AjaxSwing 4.6.4 update!
May 27, 2020
Well, 2020 has been a rough year so far, so we hope you're staying safe out there! This May update of AjaxSwing is small, but nonetheless important one. We added a session fixation attack prevention to further improve the security of the application. And fixed some minor bugs along the way. Our engineering team continues working on AjaxSwing so stay tuned for more updates!
Releasing AjaxSwing 4.6.3!
September 9, 2019
This September brings the new version of AjaxSwing! This time we taught IE how to stop itself from enabling a compatibility view mode and fixed numerous IE’s issues. Now working with AjaxSwing through IE is even better. We also added an option to automatically enable Xvfb in non-headless mode on Linux. So be sure to try it out. And, as usual, we’ve updated jQuery and jQuery UI to the latest version. You can check the full release history here.
Up to date - AjaxSwing 4.6.2 is released
July 10, 2019
The continuous improvement of AjaxSwing… well, continues! A lot of things happened since our last announce. In 4.6.0 release we’ve brought to you update of Tomcat to version 8 and fixed it when you run AjaxSwing as a Windows service. In addition to that we enabled the support of JDK 1.8. And now meet AjaxSwing 4.6.2 with latest upgrades to major libraries, fixed minor bugs and improved the stability. You can check the full release history here. One important thing: this is the last AjaxSwing version that supports Java 1.7 More updates are coming soon!
Another big step forward - AjaxSwing 4.4.1 available already!
February 21, 2017
We never stop improving our product to bring you best experience. So, another release, AjaxSwing 4.4.1, is here! With this version, we polished performance on Red Hat Linux. A broader range of customization options are also available now, including start/stop of the service, operations with client-side content, special character usage and others. Finally, we have fixed a couple of issues with dialogue formatting and have optimized memory usage for better performance. You can find additional details in the Release History.
AjaxSwing 4.4.0 is out!
January 23, 2017
We are happy to announce our new release 4.4.0 of our Java Swing to HTML conversion platform! It has bunch of important bug fixes and improvements, however, the main one is resolution of issue with focus management of concurrent sessions in a shared JVM. So, check the full list of the updates in our Release History section and make sure that your maintenance subscription is valid, so you can download the latest AjaxSwing version and try it right now!
Testing AjaxSwing with Screenster
January 6, 2017
Writing UI tests for AjaxSwing has always been quite a challenge. We’ve gone through a dozen of third-party tools, but none of them worked for our UI testing needs. The conclusion? If you want to do it right, do it yourself!
Here’s a story of how we used our automation testing tool Screenster to run visual regression testing for AjaxSwing, and how you can implement automation testing for your AjaxSwing applications too.
AjaxSwing tech support forum is moving to Google Group
December 8, 2016
For better experience we've decided to move the AjaxSwing technical support from our forum to a Google Group. We will close the forum for posting, but you can still search all of its content. In case you need to ask a new question, please post it on our Google Group.
AjaxSwing 4.3.3 is released
September 19, 2016
AjaxSwing 4.3.3 is finally released! It was a major summer release, which included a bunch of fixes and lots of improvements. Conversion of custom elements gets easier now by enabling new templates, automated mechanism of rendering fonts and optimized performance of submenus. Meanwhile, we added CSRF protection to AjaxSwing, what makes is more secured than ever. To see the details about our latest release click here.
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