Convert Swing Applications to AJAX websites automatically
Convert Swing to AJAX websites automatically
AjaxSwing provides a natural migration path for Swing applications by providing automatic conversion to AJAX. Virtually without modifications the existing Swing based front end can be deployed as a thin client. Our product supports every standard Swing component by providing an AJAX version that runs in the browser.
Migrate Swing applications to HTML to view it on the web and PDAs
AjaxSwing makes it possible to access Swing applets and applications from PDAs as well as from web browsers.
Because Java GUI screens are converted to HTML by AjaxSwing as it emulates the graphical environment, any device
that is capable of making HTTP requests and displaying HTML pages can be used to access the Swing application.
reviewed technologies.
Deploy Swing
applets in browser without the Java plugin
Demonstrates how AjaxSwing provides a solution for deploying Swing applets
in a browser. Highlights how AjaxSwing can be used as an applet performance
solution and for cross-browser Swing deployment.
Bringing Swing applications into AJAX world with GWT and AjaxSwing
Java Swing had its ups and downs but throughout its 10-year life it has achieved maturity and an established share of the user interface marketplace. While its long-term future is up for a debate and the momentum is clearly not with Swing, this UI technology continues to thrive in Java world which is evidenced by a large number of existing applications and very active community forums. There are hundreds of applications written with Swing that are used daily and need to continue to be maintained.
This article tries to address the two main questions. What is the future of Swing applications and how can they be brought into an AJAX world that relies solely on the browser as a deployment platform?
Java UI on iPad, iPhone and Android
Steve Jobs' infamous quote goes "Java's not worth building in. Nobody uses Java anymore. It's this big heavyweight ball and chain."
So you can't count on having a JVM on iOS devices, so if you have Swing desktop application or browser applet your only option if to rewrite it in Objective C and re-design UI in HTML.
This article presents an alternative solution with AjaxSwing and compares it to rewriting the application in GWT and ObjectiveC.
Deploy Java desktop applications to the cloud
Shows how Java desktop applications can be deployed to Amazon EC2 using AjaxSwing. No modifications are required to Swing applications – drop the jars into AjaxSwing, package it as a WAR and deploy it to Amazon EC2.
Convert Java
applet to servlet automatically and run emulated applet over SSL
Because AjaxSwing automatically generates HTML for Java GUI windows, applets
can be deployed on the server and to the end users they will appear as plain
HTML pages with JavaScript. AjaxSwing provides a router servlet that receives
submitted user data and generates the output page for the new state of the
applet, so rather then statically converting applet AjaxSwing deploys applet
via a servlet.
Convert Java
applets to HTML to improve applet performance
Demonstrates how AjaxSwing allows you to convert Java applets to HTML
without rewriting them or adding any server code. AjaxSwing can be set
up to deploy applets as DHTML and JavaScript that is compatible with
any browser, even if the browser doesn't support Java at all. Hence,
AjaxSwing Java to HTML conversion utility has cross-browser functionality.
This Java utility can be used as a applet to servlet converter that
works completely automatically.
vs Java Plugin vs AjaxSwing comparison - pros, cons and improvements
Provides a side-by-side comparion of 3 deployment technologies - Java WebStart,
Plugin and AjaxSwing. For each technology we highlight the pros and cons,
what is the best application for it and what to look out for. At the end
a feature matrix is presented allowing easy visual comparison between the
reviewed technologies.
Convert Java desktop applications to web applications at runtime.