Symantec OEMs AjaxSwing for its core product lines.
Symantec has saved several million dollars by using AjaxSwing to provide web access to some of its core
products. CreamTec Professional Services have performed the conversion to AJAX and supported product throughout
the release lifecycle.
Nokia bundles AjaxSwing with its networking device.
Nokia has embraced AjaxSwing to provide a browser based interface for its network management system. It bundles AjaxSwing with its
software that is installed at client sites.
Mosaic Network used AjaxSwing to web-enable its flagship Swing application.
Mosaic has invested years into the development of their flagship GEMS suite of products. After spending less then a month they were able to provide a superior browser
based interface that rivaled the original Swing client. CreamTec's Professional Services assisted in customizing and enhancing AjaxSwing
to provide ultimate end user experience with the fastest time-to-market.
After evaluating AjaxSwing and its benefits I2 Technologies
has decided to obtain an Enterprise Edition and use it for various applications.
Providing Value Chain Management solutions
i2 has grown today to over $1 billion in revenues, more than 1000 customers,
and 500 deployments in the last year alone.
Cleo Communications (http://www.cleo.com), the leader in secure, automated and integrated business-to-business software solutions,
utilizes AjaxSwing to expand its Internet-based communications technology, to launch new products that help clients transfer, manage,
track and utilize large of amounts of data.
AjaxSwing was an important step in the process as it was critical that users be able to access information and
manage file transfers via a web browser. Cleo was pleased with how closely the look-and-feel of its product's user
interface in HTML matched Swing.
The customer noted, "We were especially impressed by CreamTec's openness, professionalism, knowledge, and in particular,
CreamTec's ability to listen to our specific needs and provide enhancements or tips on adding customized
code to achieve a professional end product.”
Bertelsmann AG OEMs AjaxSwing.
Bertelsmann AG is a transnational media corporation founded in 1835, based in Gütersloh, Germany. The company operates in 63 countries and employs 106,083 workers.
Thru Arvato AG Bertelsmann has licensed AjaxSwing to deliver its Java desktop applications to the web.
NovaXon uses AjaxSwing to provide web access to their medical data collection products.
NovaXon BV, based in the Netherlands, offers a range of products and services related to the collection,
processing and analysis of clinical data. Their products are written in Java Swing and to gain a competitive
advantage NovaXon had to support a wide variety of devices. Besides running on the desktop, using AjaxSwing
allowed NovaXon customers to access their applications from web browser, Tablet PCs and PDAs.
Caisse Centrale de Reassurance based in Paris, France chose AjaxSwing to web-enable
their Swing applications. One of the 25 largest reinsurance
companies in the world, CCR underwrite all types of reinsurance business. CCR uses AjaxSwing for giving the
acces to their central application in Paris to their filial companies in the world.